Self Esteem
Seasonal Activities
Social Interaction
Team Participation
At Elderwell our focus is always on the client, their needs and wants. We have developed a program that takes a multi faceted approach to delivering our sessions in order to stimulate individuals physically, mentally and socially.
As such our sessions are run incorporating these criteria.
Each session begins with a welcome and an introduction to the session.
The group is then lead in light chair based exercise and relaxation.
Each Elderwell session includes team & group based activities creating a sense of light-hearted competition. Each session is set to a backdrop of appropriate music and old favourites often leading to an impromptu sing song.
While each Elderwell session contains these core components the sessions themselves vary widely in activity and emphasis. Some sessions focus more on certain topics like education or reminiscence while others are used to mark occasions and seasonal activities or explore an often untapped creative side.
What most influences the session content are the interests of the individual clients and the therapeutic benefits derived from each activity.
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Age appropriate exercise routines that increase or maintain range of movement, cardiovascular health and muscle strength.
Exercise can be fun and the development of simple fun and entertaining exercise routines are integrated into the Elderwell sessions.
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Is a state, either active or idle that is the opposite of stress or tension. The effects of stress can manifest themselves in different ways depending on the coping mechanisms used by different people but stress has been linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure, depression, sleep trouble, and general feelings of unwellness and malaise. The stress that the elderly are subjected is no different from anyone else. Although the actual stressing mechanism can be different, for example; the settling in to a different environment can be very upsetting for a new resident, or the loneliness and feelings of abandonment of those in care is a common problem. For those still living independently the stressors can vary significantly from the handling of finances to physical worries as we become more infirm. Often the death of a friend or relative can cause feelings of stress. The Elderwell facilitators recognise the stressing factors that can affect the lives of our clients and all sessions are designed to promote a sense of ease and are never hurried.
Stress reliving techniques involving music and breathing techniques are utilised to enhance relaxation and reduce stress. Even sharing problems and receiving support from the group or facilitators can help alleviate tension.
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Self Esteem
All activities are designed to promote self esteem and emphasize the ABILITY of all who participate.
• Emphasizing the importance of, and enhancing self esteem.
• Learn and acquire skills, which develop confidence and independence.
• Overcoming barriers that hinder participation.
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Arts & craft activities using a range of materials and techniques that are specifically designed for the elderly.
The craft activities are designed to enhance self esteem and satisfaction that comes with the production of a finished product using there own design and skill. To know that they can still make something worthwhile and to discover and develop often hidden talents.
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Education is key to developing an ethos of self help, self esteem, and autonomy with regard to many issues affecting the elderly.
There are a variety of topics that the Elderwell team address within the sessions that can raise, address, and discuss problems and issues that often affect the elderly.
The Elderwell facilitators inform clients on these topics with the most up to date information available, there is then an opportunity to discuss questions and provide advice.
Topics are included to empower and remind residents of their own role in a healthier life style.
Topics covered include: Diet, Fluids, Exercise, Fall Presentation, Safety, Stress, medication, common illnesses, and personal rights
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Is about reliving in the present, something experienced and felt in the past. It is about personal recollection and is an individuals method of honouring past achievements, a place to share freely about memories and experiences.
Ten reasons for reminiscence:
encourages self worth.
confirms and enhances self-identity
assists in the process of life review
encourages and enriches social exchange
alters others perceptions and understandings
preserves and transmits the cultural heritage
reverses the gift relationship
assists the assessment of present functioning
builds bridges between a persons past and present
is for most an enjoyable experience
Reminiscence is woven through the entire programme and residents are given the time and attention to recollect past events at every opportunity. Specific reminiscence sessions are conducted within the group facilitated by the Elderwell staff but more often than not led by the group itself.
• Reflecting & honouring the life and experiences of the individual in a pleasant atmosphere.
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Seasonal Activities
The passing of the year is marked through celebrations, festivals and days of note. By marking this passing of time often helps to orientate those in care to the changing world around them and for those who are not in care it allows the opportunity to appreciate the beauty and bounty that the seasons offer.
The seasons are marked in activities like planting flowers in spring which often evoke memories and reminiscence of certain traits, traditions, and anecdotes from local or national history.
The celebration of annual events like May Day, or more personal annual markers like birthdays and anniversaries bring a sense of sharing and interconnection among the members of the group.
Festive occasions are also celebrated to orientate residents to yearly events.
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Social Interaction
• Socialise and connect with other people while participating in a leisure activity.
• Meet and integrate new people.
We use various methods to promote social interaction and link people who may have something in common like; places of birth, hobbies, work experience, travel, etc. These links are forged through the design of the programme to stimulate conversation and promote interaction which allows residents to feel a sense of belonging and comradery.
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Team Participation
• Team & group based activities creating a sense of light-hearted competition and excitement while promoting interaction and unity.
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